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Old 20-12-06, 01:10 AM   #8
JackSpratts's Avatar
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i haven't been able to stream this to winamp (so far). in source the flash site has no addresses while netstat isn't coughing up them up either, at least nothing acceptable to my players. the good news is the quality. on the elton john concert from 1970 at least it's very clean, both for ancient vault stuff and streams, and well worth capturing i would think. if the frequency response isn't the widest the dynamics are great and the performance is a nice surprise and it's all keeping me up way past my bedtime. i know i want it. it's probably going to be a sound card recording tho, either with a wav like ramona ah, implies, or playing around with an mp3 to get the bit rates matched and save some space. my guess here is no more than 128kbs, but probably less. most likely this is a 96kbs encode.

the best thing would be to have highbit dubs from the tapes up but assuming this site sticks around we'll probably see some ripping shortcuts soon.

this is a nice little find.

thank you mr graham.

- js.
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