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Old 14-12-06, 04:14 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by albed View Post
This is about the "democratic party" Jack, not the congress. And Jefferson won the primary, not the general election.

My bet is the dems would rather keep a scumbag who'll add to their power rather than stand by their supposed "principles" and give him the boot.
albed you pedantic twit, don't you even read your own posts? they can’t “give him the boot.” the constitution doesn't allow it ffs. he won an election, not a primary lol, he goes back to congress, not campaign headquarters. pelosi stripped his committee seat, the democratic party can’t strip his office seat. the voters have spoken, loudly. he won in a landslide. explusion is up to the congress, specifically the house of representatives by 2/3 majority (which the democrats don't have), according to law.

the most they might do is exclude, but i don't think the constitution allows even that, since jefferson hasn't been convicted of anything, let alone tried, and there is a legal question as to whether exclusion is applicable to begin with, even if he had been convicted.*

no, this is all about the congress, and the constitution. he's already a member, and he's duly elected. it's way beyond a party.

- js.

*An“exclusion” is not a disciplinary matter against a current Member, but rather a decision not to seat a Member-elect, by a simple majority vote of the House or Senate, upon a finding that the Member-elect is not entitled to a seat either because of a failure to meet the constitutional qualifications for office (age, citizenship and inhabitancy in the State), or that the Member-elect was not “duly elected.”
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