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Old 12-12-06, 08:33 PM   #14
The Fungus Among Us
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Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
So not only are you accusing our troops of politically motivated censorship, you're also saying that they're dumb enough to believe that recruitment ads paint a complete picture of military service.
I'm not accusing the troops themselves, but rather those in the Pentagon, and yes I do believe some of the troops are dumb enough to believe the recruitment ads paint a complete picture.

I understand that you respect our volunteer soldiers and marines even though you don't support their mission. But try to remember that the president and the military are two separate entities, and the politics of the one do not reflect on the deeds of the other. Our troops sign up to protect our country, not the party line.
Actually the President is the ultimate head of the military. He can use the military to further his own political motives. And not all of our troops sign up to protect our country. Some sign up to see the world, or so their college education can be paid for, or a host of other reasons.

@ Sinner
Just because everyone does it, doesn't make it right. And there is alot of difference between McDonalds and the USA military. And yes, I would like it if McDonalds would show the bad side of eating their food. I wish all advertising and business was more honest and open. Just as I wish my government was more honest and open.
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