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Old 12-12-06, 02:28 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JackSpratts View Post

catty bloggers won’t convince responsible adults an organization like the associated press is fabricating articles to damage america with some he said-she said gossip out of the thousands it reports weekly. they may be wrong from time to time, but if they are they'll say so, it will come out. if not expect them to strongly stand up for themselves, especially since a free press itself has become so threatening to many red-state americans. they have re-reported the story, found further witnesses and stand by it. for those who haven’t heard about this latest anti-american-press “event,” background is in this weeks wir. search "hyperbole." the original link is select-subscription but you may be able to see it anyway.

what these isolated conservatives have done, again, is expose their own biases and blind pro-war rage, and they’ve given us an unvarnished look at their ugly ignorance and crafty paranoia. these bloggers now resemble witch burners.

yep, life is sure swell in baghdad!

- js.
Ok Jack, help understand your thinking, The AP is caught lying and you are not at all concerned about that. Instead you want to spew "well, then I guess everything is swell in Iraq”, hmmm who said or implied that? What does one have to do with the other - Then you want to start namecalling the blogger who discovered it, because he's not a liberal who hates the war, he has to be just a silly or stupid person along with anyone who believes him. His discovering it is just not important. – BS I say

You probably already have forgotten how the NY Times repoted just before the election and confirmed that Saddam was a year away from having nukes.…..just before they killed that story. The press loves people like you.

These events which may never have happened, make the media talk about how Iraq in a state of Civil War. Whether Iraq is in a civil war or not, the insurgents want you to believe it is. Their goal is to last long enough until our morale breaks and we run away – (Paper Tiger). They've stated that time and again in their internal documents. When insurgent propaganda or unsubstantiated rumor are passed off as verified news, it does nobody any good, except the people who want to drown Iraq in blood.
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