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Old 12-12-06, 12:51 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
That goes for you too, Jack.
yes sir mr. mazer, but i think you mean james.

as in james baker and the bi-partisan iraq study group. it's their report. now as to intent i notice they're careful not to accuse editorially, but by highlighting the army's factor of 12 "error" they force the reader to draw his own conclusions so in this the study group has it both ways. it's nothing new. many establishment committees formed after disasters tread carefully and avoid overt finger-pointing when well acquainted with the players. they know their relations will continue long after the public's attention has moved on.

sinner, so it's damn the entire ap now? based the armchair blogging cult, a source’s real name and the word of iraqi officials?

catty bloggers won’t convince responsible adults an organization like the associated press is fabricating articles to damage america with some he said-she said gossip out of the thousands it reports weekly. they may be wrong from time to time, but if they are they'll say so, it will come out. if not expect them to strongly stand up for themselves, especially since a free press itself has become so threatening to many red-state americans. they have re-reported the story, found further witnesses and stand by it. for those who haven’t heard about this latest anti-american-press “event,” background is in this weeks wir. search "hyperbole." the original link is select-subscription but you may be able to see it anyway.

what these isolated conservatives have done, again, is expose their own biases and blind pro-war rage, and they’ve given us an unvarnished look at their ugly ignorance and crafty paranoia. these bloggers now resemble witch burners.

yep, life is sure swell in baghdad!

where more than sixty iraqi's were blown to bits, and over two-hundred injured. today.

- js.
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