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Old 11-12-06, 12:03 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by vernarial View Post
I was thinking about this today, Mazer. If you look at any Military advertisement, they always show the good things about being in the military. You see people skydiving or rockclimbing or working on computers. You never see the bad side of war. You never see people maimed or dead. Or the fact that you might have to kill someone elses family member. They never show the realities of war. Of course this makes sense if you are trying to recruit people, but in my estimation it is false advertising. These tactics are also used to keep the American public backing a war. Don't show the realities of war, just the "cool stuff". Distorting or manipulating facts works almost as well as the Audio/Visual propaganda machine.

Don't get me wrong, I support the USA military, but I strongly believe they are being horribly misused and put into dangerous positions they don't need to be put in. And the military budget is misused and bloated.

For every one of these............. There are thousands of these.


The AP (Associated Phables) fabricates stories for political agenda reasons. Since they no longer report events as they happen, but fabricate stories to support their political agenda, they are no longer a news organization, but a propaganda machine. **Cough** "Captain Jamil Hussein" ------ "Captain Jamil Hussein" is but one of 14 Iraqi-sounding names of sources quoted by AP that U.S. military officials say cannot be verified as credible sources. Iraqis also are trying to find out who Jamil is. Seems no one but the AP has heard of him. So who cares what the AP is reporting, unless you like a sick factious story. Ignore them.


By your thinking, what company or organization does not use false advertising? Maybe some drug companies because they quickly blast through all the side effects their drug may cause. But Should McDonalds show the bad side of eating there? Car companies maybe should show fatal car wrecks in there ads, how about Travel Agencies, they can have one page showing the nice warm beach and on the other the bodies of passengers whom plane crashed, oh I know, why not show the planes hitting the WTC. I can go on if you like. Let me know.
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