Thread: Best P2P?
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Old 06-12-06, 08:08 PM   #2
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
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hi smokey!

the days of a one size fits all napster-like experience are over for the moment in file-sharing but that's not to say a particular client can't get you most of the way there. depending on what you're looking for the closest thing to a one stop shop for music downloading right now is soulseek, but and this is an important but, the members show little patience with leechers, so be prepared to offer a very fat share folder or you'll find yourself unceremoniously banned by the hosts with the best content.

further forays into file sharing must now include bittorrent and the numerous tracking sites that have sprung up to replace the search function previously incorporated into p2p clients. first install a decent program like µtorrent. then you can start with the public trackers like meganova, mininova, thepiratebay and the semi-private demonoid. all are stuffed with torrents of varying quality and type hosted by power-p2p'ers from all over the globe. at some point if you find bittorrent to your liking you'll want to join a more exclusive tracker, where the quality is high and the breadth of content wide. the benefits of private trackers are obvious but they all require a thorough dedication to uploading and instill severe, lifetime bans on those who treat the ratio rules as "suggestions."

if things have changed in the file sharing community during your absence it’s not necessarily in the negative. i happen to believe p2p has never been stronger. the quality of the files is tremendously improved, with particular standouts being the increasingly popular MP3 “V0” format and the incomparable (if incomparably huge) lossless FLAC codec. these two changes have brought the sound of downloads into the realm of near-audiophile reproductions and bit-perfect WAV clones respectively. these and the sheer number of enthusiastic uploaders means it’s a great time to jump back in.

- js.
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