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Old 01-11-06, 08:27 PM   #1
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you wouldn't have much business making laws in america nic if you beat your wife, got arrested for it but ran for office on some kind of family value bullshit, then beat up anyone who asked you about it because it's "rude," when all you're doing is hiding behind some kind of honor you don't even have. i wouldn’t have much respect for you if you did.

i mean we're putting ourselves in a vulnerable position here aren't we, asking strangers to govern us? so we're just being idiots if we can't even bother to find out whether they can at least govern themselves.

i can't stand hypocrites who make laws they have no intention of obeying. let's have the dialog about gay marriage, polygamy, drugs, porn, abortion. all of those things. they should be legal, but they trowel on phony morality and why not? all they're doing scraping the bottom for votes, it’s easy since they don't have any intention of playing by the rules they make us (by armed force) live by.

i'm a small-gubmint anti-gun-control free-press-lovin democrat agnostic (who doesn't own a pistola or a printing press), and i call 'em the way i see 'em, and right now, i see an out-of-control government and republicans trying to destroy the best part of america. it ain't gonna happen if i have anything to say about it nicster.

- js.
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