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Old 01-11-06, 10:38 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by albed
The asshole tried to shove his way through staffers to get at the senator, who was not at an event but was walking through a hotel, and was restrained and forced away.
I've spent enough time getting paid to be a human wall between the public and some star to see that they overreacted. The first contact is the staffer that looks Stark in the eyes then turns his back to body block Stark. Perfectly done.

Second contact is the older staffer in the white shirt, does what is effectively a basketball moving pic. Doesn't plant his feet and moves with Stark to keep him on the edge away from the Senator. Again, nothing wrong with that.

But for some reason that same older staffer decides to turn and make a grab for Stark's wrists/hands. This is where is moves from defensive protection to battery. Stark wasn't presenting himself as a threat (annoying, sure. Threat, no.) so they should have just blocked him out and let the Senator continue on his way (you'll note the Senator never even looked back).

Once the event escalated into a wrestling match, then the younger staffer attempts a headlock. This is an extremely ametuar move because it's impossible to control someone is you are trying to hold them in a headlock while standing. This same staffer is the one that will offer to help Stark back up off the ground and escort him out.

Bottom line, the staff had no business touching Stark and even less business trying to play the role of muscle for the Senator. If there is a threat on the Senator the Sercret Service and the FBI assign agents. If there is just a concern ask the local Police to come out and provide crowd control.

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