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Old 30-10-06, 06:48 PM   #1
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Default Call Me 2: Procter & Gamble Exec Behind Senate 'Push Poll'

Nathan Estruth
Another independent organization has joined into what has arguably been one of the most bitterly contested elections in Tennessee history, and these folks don't seem to care much for Harold Ford Jr.

Calling itself "Common Sense Tennessee," the organization claims Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Ford is soft on terrorism and wants to raise taxes.

The group, whose pre-recorded phone call (audio available at this link), can be characterized as a "push-poll," directs the listener to the Common Sense Tennessee website "for more information." A push-poll is an effort to influence the view of respondents while appearing to conduct a more impartial survey.
This gambit must, by its nature, represent an independent expenditure, meaning it was done without the consent or knowledge of Republican Senate hopeful Bob Corker or his campaign. Other groups have done and most likely will do similar polls that benefit Democratic candidates in the future.

Going to the website mentioned in the ad turns up little information about the sponsors, who identify their cause as "Common Sense Ohio" at the end of the ad.

"Common Sense Ohio" is headed by Cincinnati-based Procter & Gamble executive Nathan Estruth. Estruth recently came under fire when he told a Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter that he was an independent but Republican-leaning voter who went to see Ohio Democratic gubernatorial nominee Ted Strickland speak, but was "put off by his partisan rhetoric." In actuality, Estruth is a longtime supporter and financial backer of GOP gubernatorial nominee Ken Blackwell.

"Common Sense Ohio" has also been sued by the Ohio Democratic Party for placing ads critical of Strickland while claiming non-profit status to the Internal Revenue Service.

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