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Old 29-10-06, 10:08 AM   #5
JackSpratts's Avatar
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By now, it should be clearly obvious that the reporting of fatal casualties in both Iraq and Afghanistan are really under stated. For example, we had a young officer in here about three days ago who was talking with several of us. He is assigned to the air field from which the dead are shipped back to Dover, Md. According to him, last month, he supervised the loading of over one hundred and seventy military caskets but amazingly, the official DoD reportage had only a fraction of that. Of course he has no names, only numbers, and perhaps some high officer or Halliburton thief is shipping dope or underaged girls back to the states inside the boxes but this man had no reason to lie. It will be interesting to see if the DoD website shows the deaths over the Falcon incident. Time may tell but they won’t.”
shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone paying attention. business as usual for most casuality "reporting" now.

U.N. Says Iraq Seals Data on the Civilian Toll

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 20 — The United Nations office in Baghdad says that Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, has ordered the country’s medical authorities to stop providing the organization with monthly figures on the number of civilians killed and wounded in the conflict there, according to a confidential cable.

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