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Old 26-10-06, 09:52 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Mazer
Hell Jack, I'm sorry I brought it up. I was trying to point out that not all soldiers who go to Iraq die there, like Repo suggested, and you guys have to get all uppity. If anything you've made better arguments against Repo's claim than I have: the majority of soldiers come home alive and people who are actually sentenced to death aren't trained and equiped like soldiers to fend off their executioners. I wish I had thought to write those things in the first place.
accuracy, not upyouracy.

well you know repo, there's always some debating hyperbole spicing up his wonderfully thought-provoking posts, but i do know he didn't write all soldiers who go to iraq die there, instead he actually mentioned a couple of figures, "hundreds" and "thousands" - as in additional preventable deaths and injuries, should we leave sooner than later. for instance, had we left last month 100 soldiers would still be alive who are now dead (or 95, depending on the source), and hundreds more would be uninjured. i don't see much room to argue there, he's already proved himself. even at this rate in a few more months certainly the deaths will unfortunately exceed even his estimates won't they?

albed - no idea what you're on about but if bush, who may have the most accurate numbers, came out with them instead of hiding them from the people, we'd all be on the same page. as it is we're left with heath groups, think tanks, reporters and various other factions grappling with this terrible issue of the innocent civilian dead. although some say the totals approach 700,000, in the interest of fairness i said several hundred thousand - and also included a qualifier. in addition i made it clear they're not "my statistics."

- js.
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