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Old 25-10-06, 10:06 AM   #12
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by Mazer
So if we were to compare apples to apples by combining the statistics for homocides, accidental deaths, and suicides it's likely that domestic civilian death rates in most major cities would equal or exceed military death rates throughout the whold nation of Iraq. albed, I think if you were a soldier in Iraq you would be marginally safer than you are right now, if for no other reason than you are really fucking anal about the details and you don't let anything get by you. You could probably sniff a sniper or an IED 1,000 yards away.

Nope again. How many US/ally soilders are in Iraq?

You comparing Chicago, a city of roughly 3 million people. The highest year Chicago had ~650 homicides.

The DOD has said that we have approx 138,000 soilders in Iraq.

650 out of 3,000,000 or 650 out of 138,000.

Apples to apples? Not even close. Because it completely ignores all of the other civilan deaths happening around the soilders. Bagdad for example - is still a marginally funcationing city with all the problems that a city has. So they still have their share of X number of attacks, deaths, and accidents. Add to that the groups that are actively trying to kill large numbers of recruits to the military and police forces.

I live within walking distance to the my city's police academy and I can guarentee that we haven't have any mass kidnappings or excutions outside of it lately.
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