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Old 12-10-06, 10:11 PM   #12
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the "tsunami of democracy" that would sweep the mid east promised by an infantile bush and the conservatives as a result of this invasion (and rightly derided before the war started - not after) has now been replaced by the goal of "not losing too horribly" as the administration and its apologists finally face a regional reality that's cold, hard and decades old. meanwhile (the figures vary), several hundred thousand innocent civilians have been killed by americans and who knows how many permanently maimed and wounded. prepare yourselves for those repercussions...

we need a democratic victory in the fall and hearings that come with it to get to the bottom of this deadly snow job that's turned hundreds of thousands of edgy middle easterners into our mortal enemies - not because we support israel - but because america murdered thier famillies.

we need to find out who's criminally responsible, prosecute them fully, extricate our country from this morass and move on with our lives.

then make absolutely sure no other asshole pulls the same sh*t again.

- js.
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