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Old 10-10-06, 10:59 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mazer
I doubt it. I haven't heard anything about Foley in the news for more than a week. Had minors actually been assaulted by congressmen we'd see a lot more coverage than we are seeing, but this story just isn't sensational enough for it to make the local news. If I thought the public was actually indicting GOP leaders I'd be singing a different tune, but all the finger pointing is being done by beltway insiders and they're the ones with the blame everyone attitude I refered to before.
not sure what you’re reading there mazer, but people are outraged and chattanooga (for example) isn’t exactly inside the beltway.

- js.

Where Is Wamp On Foley?
posted October 10, 2006

Where is Mr. Wamp, and why won't he either publicly state he supports Speaker Hastert and the GOP leadership, or state they all must go for covering, ducking and supporting Foley for re-election in 1994, rather than protecting children from Foley's improper sexual advances.

Now, we learn as far back as 2000, some of the Republican leadership were aware of this Foley situation. They put their own political interests ahead of protecting the safety of teenage pages.

Where do you stand, Mr. Wamp? Why are you so silent? And don't tell us "Washington speak" about wanting a full investigation to find out the facts.

Either you support the leadership or you don't. Which is it?

Paul Gearinger
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