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Old 27-09-06, 04:00 PM   #6
floydian slip
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Originally Posted by Mazer
floyd, without the resources the government puts to use, how are you or anyone eles able to secure themselves?
by resources i assume you mean my tax dollars?

you make it sound like we are helpless without an authority to tell us what to do.

The framers of our government knew exactly what its purpose would be, and they stated that purpose in the preamble of our Constitution. Read it, and understand that none of the things it lists would be at your disposal without some form of government.
was there no justce before the united states? was there no domestic tranquility? we would have had all of that if we just paid our outrageous taxes to the queen, but we wanted to represent ourselves and have our own govt. Its getting to that point again where the peoples interests are not represented by our elected leaders, most (not all) of our leaders are bought and paid for by corporations.

If we are in the middle of a great culture clash as the above articles suggest, then we'll need much more than we can each provide for ourselves in order to stave off the jihad. It's not something I'm particularly alarmed about, but still, our nation is fighting with itself instead of its enemies. I wouldn't be surprised if many Americans welcomed the distruction of our culture and our beliefs and that makes securing my self and my family that much more difficult.
imo, the reason why there are jihadists and are so pissed off is because our corporations/military industrial complex are in thier backyards trying to dictate democracy to them. just like iran in the 50's and iraq in the 60's they are overthrowing thier govts and trying to put a pro west puppet in place. when the brits carved up the ottoman empire after WW1, they planted the seeds for conflict. now we are reaping what they have sown. to think that we are making the world a safer place by pre emptive shock and awe to disrupt the "jihad" is uniting some pissed of moslems.

its funny how the roman empire crumbled from the inside due to corruption and bad leadership. might history be repating itself again.
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