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Old 26-09-06, 06:49 PM   #10
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chris wallace is no hero. he's just a guy who set somebody up for sport and is now laughing at his little escapade. while wallace interrupted the answer to his own query and then coolly smirked (see, i don't want an answer, i want to score points!), with dozens dying everyday in iraq and parents and intelligence agencies asking why, clinton gets the credit for giving the question the focus and intensity it deserved.

what's relevant now isn't clinton's anger, it's his accuracy. we all know that bush has utterly failed america and the crucial war on terror. will smarmy pundits like wallace and the self-proclaimed conservative patriots give him if not the same duplicitous treatment they've given clinton at least a genuine examination? it's way overdue.

jokes aside, clinton has a very long fuse. he's been falsely accused of this for five years. it's should surprise no one if he put out a little heat.

- js.
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