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Old 21-08-06, 11:44 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mazer
I'm just saying. Clinton also activated the selective service system that requires all elligible men to carry a draft card. He gutted the military's budget while making it easier for the commander in chief to conscript troops, but his predecessor gets all the blame. I'm just musing on the irony of all this.
Wasn't it Carter who reinstated mandatory registration for the SSS back in 1980?
And you are not required to carry your draft card; just be regisitered if you are male and with-in 30 days of your 18th birthday.

That took place shortly before Regan took over and begin courting Mr. Bin Laden for help fighting those damned commies in Afghanistan.

That was back in the day when what we now call terrorists were the good guys since what we were doing then fit the present description of terrorism very well.

Now that is irony...
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