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Old 15-08-06, 11:28 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Sinner
Let me ask, how can there be a civil war when in reality it would be 80%of the population against 20%, (if that - more like 15% but who's counting)??, also the 20% have no army, no police, no secret service. The Sunni's would be expelled, wiped out, or forced to accept the terms the Shia and Kurds deal them. I don't call that a civil war.
(on the off-chance that wasn't rhetorical...)

what, it has to be like "the war between the north and south states" to satisfy you? few conflicts are so cleary outlined. according to dictionaries like encarta it's "war within country: a war between opposing groups within a country." seems to fit the bill, no? you're a bit of a stickler for certain accuracies aren't you so ok, with rare exceptions like the website that goes on to list all sorts of additional recent criteria, like control of land, armies etc and other think tank armchair ephemera, the historical "war among the same culture, society or nationality" covers the iraq situation.

i'm just surprised this is news. it was the outcome predicted all the way back pre-war by critics including yours truly who never bought the assinine weeks not months hearts and flowers nursery school nonsense. so there's your answer, mr **cough** republic troll **cough** who pounces each and every time i call the us a democracy.

- js.
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