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Old 09-06-06, 08:50 AM   #20
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
Location: New England
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another great idea from jack

looking down the road it seems that some sort of liberalization of copyright laws will occur in sweden, at least as they pertain to individuals doing non-monetary transactions (see my post on fileflation in this week's wir - j/k), but another unknown is the european union: will it insist sweden conform to eu policy for admittance, or will brussells will allow member states some flexibility in these matters? of course if the movement spreads across europe that question becomes moot, but in the meantime it is of some interest to people who run certain sites, and everyone else who uses them. i for one would put my servers in sweden in a heartbeat if the laws were changed (and i had some servers...). take this board for example; we could finally allow direct postings of songs right in the threads, as well as videos etc, and we could run a dc hub for the benefit of members, all without fear of any paramilitary homeland security raids and mandatory work vacations at gitmo. 'course we might have to own property in sweden for this to work, but that's doable too. we could all go in on a cheap patch of highly contaminated industrial land, say a square meter or so for a few kroner (i vote for mercury - i had fun playing with it in school). we would satisfy the ownership obligation, while at the same time allying ourselves with the real power in the world: the big multinational industrial polluters. all those special laws and juicy insider tax breaks they get would apply to us too!

see, it pays to think ahead.

- js.
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