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Old 02-06-06, 02:06 PM   #6
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couldn't disagree with you more napho. people have a fundamental right to exchange ideas. it is among other things the cornerstone of a free society. if an occasional piece (or an avalanche) of commercial fluff winds up in the post so be it, no one's forced hollywood to make that sausage. on the other hand, we know from bitter experience the results of clamping down on the free flow of ideas. it can and has short circuited progress of every kind, including the medical variety. climate and stem cell research jump to mind, but give me 10 minutes and i'll come up with a hundred more.

having fun? swapping trifles? sure. but not curing cancer? i wouldn't bet my house on it.

they may not know it but the people of the pirate bay and others like them have one of the most important jobs in the world.

- js.
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