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Old 30-05-06, 05:31 PM   #1
Just Draggin' Along
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IMO Hasan is obviously several cards short of a full deck.

For "glorification" of mice they blast Disney for Tom & Jerry even though it's a Hanna-Barbera creation, and sidestep Disney's logo character Mickey Mouse. It would be humorous if it did not mask a sinister purpose.

For them, this propaganda serves to generate hate for Jews, which becomes the excuse for acts of terrorism. Getting the facts correct is obviously not a concern for them. They seek to provoke an angry reaction from Jews by making light of the holocaust. Iran has been doing this for some time. To further their ends, they are brainwashing their youth into a frenzied hate state.

It is interesting how followers of Islam can make far fetched, baseless derogatory comments on other religions, but those who mock Islam are marked for death. Then, they bitch about being considered terrorists for adopting a "kill all infidels" policy.

Personally, I do not care what religion they wish to follow. As I have religious freedom, I respect the religious freedom of others. However, such understanding does not include tolerating killing me or others who do not believe as they do.

Sooner or later, followers of Islam are going to have concede that the other nations of the world are not going to tolerate terrorist type behavior.
Copyright means the copy of the CD/DVD burned with no errors.

I will never spend a another dime on content that I can’t use the way I please. If I can’t copy it to my hard drive and play it using the devices I want, when and where I want, I won’t be buying it. Period. They can all take their DRM, broadcast flags, rootkits, and Compact Discs that aren’t really compact discs and shove them up their bottom-lines.
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