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Old 12-05-06, 12:04 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Hegemonic
God, can a discussion about news ever be had without some moron liberal raging about FAUX NEWS?

I can assure they have more liberal guests than other networks have conservative guests. You people are so used to seeing one side of the news that when someone actually presents a balanced view of the news you can't fathom seeing news with like that so you instantly deride it. It's sad, the little echo chamber you looney liberals have constructed around yourselves and you're fiercely trying to ensure it stays whole.
so that's balanced eh? i'm glad you're not weighing my lettuce. i'd be broke after the first bag.

but this isn't about me, or even you. it's about conservative america's disillusionment with a president and congress they voted for and believed in, but do so in ever decreasing numbers.

hardly a liberal echo chamber. certainly not small.

- js.
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