Thread: Cheney
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Old 23-02-06, 09:32 AM   #85
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it's a bit different here in the states than in britain. in order that the press isn't unduly muzzled reporting on powerfull governmnt figures etc the famous have to prove the lie, instead of the other way around. in this case cheney would have to have witnesses testify he wasn't drinking and the jury would weigh who's more credible, the reporter or the vp. fat chance for cheney-he's already changed his story from "zero" drinking to some and lost whatever benefit of the doubt came with his reputation, such as it was. he's ruined now and rightly so. this was no highway mishap. he cleary lied about an entirely avoidable shooting that nearly killed a man. there will be no more excuses for him.

if it happened to kennedy there'd be calls to remove an "out-of-control madman" from office. if something like this again happens to cheney we'll hear the same.

- js.
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