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Old 07-02-06, 05:45 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Mazer
I think what this boils down to is the protestors have failed to realize that there is no state-controlled media in democratized countries, however this is a lesson that many in the Muslim world are learning quickly. I read somewhere last week that, while there were verbal protests by religious leaders in Iraq, there have been no group demonstrations in the streets, certainly no riots of any kind. Unforunatly I can't find a link to that story. But what it says to me is that people who have been exposed to true freedom of speech and freedom of the press understand the ramifications thereof. There have been no reports of civil unrest in Turkey as a result of these cartoons. Why do you think that is?
since the US military in Iraq buys the news stories it likes and shuts down the papers it doesn't like, what would make you think the Iraqis are all that familiar with "true freedom of the press"? more likely they are just trying to make it thru the day, no?

an alternate and well-informed take on the issue, from Juan Cole:
I want to underline that few places in the Muslim world have seen violence over the caricatures, so far mainly Damascus and Beirut (which are unexpected in this regard.) Protests in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and elsewhere have been nonviolent. This is not to play down the seriousness of what happened in Damascus and Beirut over the weekend--acts which can only inspire horror and condemnation--only to set it in context. There are 1.5 billion Muslims. A lot of Muslim countries saw no protests at all. In some places, as in Pakistan, they were anemic. The caricature protests are resonating with local politics and anti-imperialism in ways distinctive to each Muslim country. The protests therefore are probably not mostly purely about religion.
Professor Cole goes on to point out that anyone who thinks this kind of violence is endemic to Islam need only look at Ireland, which has a history of rioting over religious issues, even as recently as five months ago.
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