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Old 07-02-06, 10:15 AM   #8
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What does it say about the Middle East that so many can be whipped into a frenzy over some bad cartoons five months after their release? What does it say that government officials support them? What does it say that European leaders would rather talk about restricting press freedom than laughing in the face of islamic immaturity. And what does it say that idiots like CNN run articles with statements like this: "CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam."

I think it says several things we need to come to grips with.

First, I think this whole saga says that most government officials, media organizations, etc. are cowards. CNN is willing to criticism those it knows will not fire bomb them, but cowers in the shadows at the thoughts of arabs being mad at them. Much like it collaborated with Saddam Hussein so that it would not get thrown out of Iraq, CNN now collaborates with the imams to give them air time without daring to be critical or daring to challenge them. I'm reminded of Hollywood's release of The Sum of All Fears, which despite coming out after September 11, 2001, the producers could not bear to have the bad guys be Arabs, as they were in the book. Instead evil European white men were used.
European leaders, particularly the love children of Stalin that run the European Union, are falling all over themselves apologizing for the irresponsible media and promising to clamp down press freedom. These leaders would rather teach all of Europe to bow toward Mecca than stand up for Western Civilization. They demand tolerance of Islam and demand no reciprocity in that tolerance.

The only real leader who has shown spine has been Denmark's Queen who has said that the Danes will not be bullied by the immature cries of the many muslims who move to Denmark for its welfare system and plot its destruction at the same time.

Second, I think it says that we are dealing with Borg. Resistance is futile in the minds of the imams. The West will either be killed off or assimilated. Those in charge, or at least those who are treated most prominently in the media and by governments world wide, are bent on destroying Israel and taking over Europe. The Islamic youth overrunning Europe have no desire to assimilate and become secular. They have no desire to tolerate or respect the values of Europe. At best, they intend to wait out the old population of Europe and take over. At worst, they intend to take over by force -- already they have been probing the boundaries of safe conduct from rioting in Paris to murdering Theo van Gogh. We will not be successful in negotiating with the Borg. We must either show them we mean to fight and can win, or we should all figure out the direction of Mecca.

Third, the naivety of western leaders is becoming more and more apparent. Our own President keeps saying that Islam is a religion of peace. Perhaps, but the practice of Islam by so many in the Middle East is by no means peaceful. European leaders think they can cast stones at Jews to appease the Middle East. The naivety must stop, but I fear it will not before it is too late.

While the practitioners of diplomacy are willing to cede ground to practitioners of radical Islam, the general populace is less and less inclined to do so. More and more we are seeing the people of Europe and America react with more hostility toward Islam. More and more the people of the West are willing to offend -- childish though it may be, the Western citizen is itching to start poking the eyes of muslims.

If muslim leaders do not step up to the plate and calm the masses of muslim men rioting in the streets and burning embassies, we will see a greater threat grow in Europe. We will see leaders coming to power on xenophobic anti-muslim platforms. The Eurocrats will not be able to stop their rise and then the European Muslim will share the fate of the European Jew. It will not be pretty. It will not be right. But it will happen. Pushing toward the precipice those who choose not to go over it can only go so far before the pushed push back.
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
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