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Old 25-01-06, 11:27 PM   #13
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actually it was the liberals who looted the taxpayers here, to the sound of $250 million all under then finance minister paul martin's nose. martin of course denied knowing anything about the scandal, but that's like exonerating the likes of ken lay for the collapse of enron.

on top of numerous federal scandals, including a new investigation launched by the RCMP before christmas about more millions of taxpayer money sent to government friendly advocacy groups in quebec, the liberals taxed the shit out of everybody including low income earners. no wonder they were able to deliver consecutive surpluses for years, most of which of course barely made it back to the provinces. ontario, for example, is short handed by $23 billion a year under the liberals, meaning there's a gap of $23 billion between what we the taxpayers send to ottawa and what we get in return, hence why provincial and municipal governments are forced to cut services.

the provinces are responsible for administrating healthcare but as the old saying goes all the roads lead to rome and one thing is for certain -- more and more services are being delisted. of course, while they were not busy nuking social services 'cause as martin said we had to pay down the debt, the liberals were busy exacerbating relations with the americans, our biggest trading partner, just so that martin could get a pat of the back by far left fukwits for ermm "standing up" to the evil americans, and that lovely charade believe it or not had quite a few reprecussions on several industries here, especially manufacturing.

going back to the sponsorship scandal again, $250 million of taxpayer money wasted and not one person imprisoned for it. we had enough and i really don't give a flying fuck what the likes of (non-canadians btw) rosie o'donnell think about this whole situation. the liberal party has shown nothing but contempt and corruption for years. it's time for a change.

don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that a conservative government is great news. however, the good thing about a minority conservative government is that it's on a leash. besides, the public consensus here is more important. in the states we've seen the republicans passing legislation that few americans actually support or at least have now learned to basically despise. over here it's different. harper, for instance, said that while he personally supports the death penalty he will not be introducing it back in canada because the majority of canadians are opposed to it. same thing about abortion laws. so it will be a conservative minority with a bunch of separatist kermits and loonie leftists keeping a close eye on harper, and we the canadian people will be keeping a close eye on ALL of them.
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