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Old 23-01-06, 10:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Belle~
I'm beginning to think Bin Laden is the boogie-man.
yeah, a yuppie boogie man maybe. too soft really to ever run with the bad boys. what's he done in his infamous career? knocked off what, 5000 people? phillip morris does that in five days. us hospitals in two and a half weeks. cars just a bit longer. americans smirk at those kind of numbers. lost in the statistical noise...

now compare that to pol pot and his five million. hitler and who knows how many. then there's stalin and mao. these were guys who deserved their titles. talk about motivated. got up in the morning with a list and killed it twice. they were on it 24/7. between the two they were good for a 100 million murders during thier reigns of terror.

we have the terrorist for our times. a piker to agitate a bunch of couch potatos and puffy mall rats.

- js.
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