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Old 23-01-06, 01:29 PM   #2
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i've often wondered at such fortuitous coincidences, especially when the democrats seem to suffer the reverse. it does appear at first glance the hand of more than fate is playing a role in keeping the republicans in power...bush is suffering from such deservedly crappy pr that anytime a tape is released a strong case can be made that he enjoys a lift too good to be true.

still, while the timing may be deliberate it doesn't mean bush & co are actually behind it. osama is playing a very subtle power game (since he doesn't have much military muscle) and leveraging distrust of an already ethically compromised president would be an expected strategy (yet bush’s culpability regardless).

on the other hand bush appears to be arrogant enough to be capable of doing it and ignorant enough to think it morally righteous. his wouldn't be the first empire that rotted from the top, history is rife with examples, and if the republicans are not the most ethically challenged and corrupt officials in the history of ths country it's not from any lack of effort on their part. they truly are en masse selling this country out as fast as they can discard their ideology and line their pockets, and certainly faster than any (republican) congressional hearings and (republican) justice dept lawyers (reluctantly) uncover their crimes.

whatever it is, and i'm sure our descendents will be able to read all about it in time (and hopefully not just by candlelight), it's coincidental enough to look bad without actually being inescapably obvious (surely a time for osama to have saved bush with a tape was when democratic rep murtha announced his plan to pull the troops out of iraq - or maybe not?) but that’s how a high-stakes game is played at such levels and adds little to the evidence piles on either side of this debate.

i do know this: somewhere, someone’s going to get a us-issue bullet between their eyes. whether it’s in afghanistan or a lot closer to texas only time will tell, but it’s going to be a very loud bang, and our ears will ring for years.

- js.
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