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Old 28-11-05, 02:06 PM   #8
Just Draggin' Along
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LOL, All I can come up with on this subject is a "rumor mill" cut and paste. Apparently, Ms. Clinton has fallen from graces with her peers. Interestingly, John Kerry trails Hillary Clinton with only 2% backing in this DEMOCRATIC PARTY poll:

Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential poll numbers continue to slip with the Democratic Party's left wing base - according to the latest online survey conducted by the Daily Kos web site.

The former first lady has now slid to fifth place among likely candidates, with Virginia Gov. Mark Warner leapfrogging past her into third place. She now ranks just above the Koz category "No Freakin' Clue" among top Democrats who are expected to run.

In more bad news for Mrs. Clinton, her meager 6 percent support continues a downward trend that began over the summer, when she had 10 percent backing her candidacy.

By September, however, she had slipped to 8 percent in the same poll.

Former Gen. Wesley continues to lead in the Kos poll, winning the backing of 26 percent. Sen. Russ Feingold trails in second place, with 19 percent support. Former vice presidential candidate John Edwards comes in fourth, with 12 percent support.
The only first tier presidential candidate who trails Mrs. Clinton is John Kerry, with just 2 percent backing in the online poll.

Notes Kos, whose site is among the most heavily trafficked on the political left: "While this isn't a scientific poll of the Democratic Party rank and file, at 11K+ results it's a pretty darn accurate poll of the sentiments of the Daily Kos community."
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