Thread: Cheney
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Old 18-11-05, 11:56 AM   #6
JackSpratts's Avatar
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Scott McClellan: "The eve of an historic democratic election in Iraq is not the time to surrender to the terrorists.
it's always the "eve of something historic" with these prevaricators preventing us from doing anything - unless it happens to be what they want done, been that way for years. they've got more eves than a feminine hygine drug counter.

they'll have us* stay there until we lose another few thousand young kids. then when the conservatives get bored w/the process and decide it's more important to fight evolution or contraception or gay marriage or thinking in general it'll be ok to leave. not that anything will change in iraq mind you. it'll be as dangerous as bush could make it, they'll just have dreamed up a spiffy explanation by one of their potomac "think" tanks (lol) and vetted on right wing talk radio to con the choir, who will swallow it whole of course and bore us endlessly with why it's now the right time to leave, while iraq explodes into civil war and decades of chaos.

- js.

*"us" defined as anyone but the hawks supporting the war. they apparently need to remain here in nice comfy chairs so that they can post quick retorts to liberals. that's what they must think real battlefield activity is i guess.
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