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Old 29-09-05, 09:18 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by albed
Like I said, too complex...
feu·dal·ism (fyūd'l-ĭz'əm) pronunciation

1. A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.
2. A political, economic, or social order resembling this medieval system.

Some people are just too warped to understand freedom; free employers offering jobs at their choice of wage and free workers with the choice of taking or refusing the jobs.

right. as is usual with your typical troll-like deliberate obtuseness you ignore the main point and distract with narrow definitions that obscure any greater meaning you seem to find threatening, which judging by your remarkably, consistently undeveloped posts over the years, seems to be just about everything.

since under the present administration more and more companies are merging, workers in industries find their employment options shrinking, until, like those in cable, they have no employment options save the government mandated monopoly in their city or state. as for doing a horatio alger and starting your own cable company you can forget it, even if you got the backers – it’s illegal. ditto those people working in the record business, where some four companies now control nearly all the jobs.

people can change careers of course, small comfort if one’s life was spent in service to an industry, or they can move, but when one has roots in a community, children in schools etc. moving becomes increasingly unrealistic, especially when similar feudal-like factors now govern life in every community. ultimately this leads to acceptance of one’s diminished status.

like feudalism this policy is deliberately designed to benefit the employer and penalize the worker.. but it gets worse for the worker since more and more professionals, like teachers and air traffic controllers, lose whatever small leverage they have when the ability to lawfully protest by laying down one’s tools is banned, even if their terms of employment changes after their hiring, making them essentially captive workers. they can quit, but again they’d have to quit their career as well as their job – perhaps even their communities, voting with one’s feet in other words which should always be a last resort, like broken okies fleeing depression era dust bowls and done only in desperation when all other options fail. in america unfortunately fleeing is increasingly the only resort, as our public policy makers have failed the workers. this isn’t freedom. it’s an illusion of choices masking hard realties of corporate servitude, where workers gain little and officers take in billions.

D. Boje “ If we look at the trend in global capitalism today, we are descending into a form of feudal capitalism where instead of Intellectual Capitalism, we have a system of supply chains linked to Third World Sweatshops. There is an assumption of unswerving progress, that is not consistent with the rise in feudal sweatshops. The Department of Labor, for example, reports that there are 700 sweatshops in the U.S. The number of sweatshops is growing each year as production from the 1st world migrates to the 3rd world where the choice is work for poverty wage or starve. True, it is better to work than starve, but an intellectual capitalism can be answerable for its ethics.”
Miriam Clinton “ Instead of permitting any actions whatsoever by the free market without intervention; a situation which at present has lead full circle to the current “information feudalism” of business over the people, that which is not healthy for society would be called to review. No longer would we be subject to the whims of the RIAA and its overwriting of the law via bully-boy tactics out of court.”
- js.
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