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Old 22-09-05, 02:27 PM   #1
BANG BANG BANG (repeat as necessary)
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Default Hurricane lottery

Hypothetically, it looks like Rita will be knocking on Galveston's door.

Given that Galveston is a predominantly white population, who'll be the first political opportunist to suggest that the pro-active Federal response to this disaster - irrespective of the benefits of hindsight - is evidence of an administration that is inherently racist?

Furthermore, (and this is a genuine question) is there sufficient number of people willing to listen to this to cause civil unrest?
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002

"I did not authorise the leaking of the name of David Kelly. Nobody was authorised to name David Kelly. I believe we have acted properly throughout" Tony Blair - July 22, 2003
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