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Old 07-09-05, 01:49 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by chefws
Aaron Broussard has lost it this time. The residents that I have talked to want him dismissed immediately.
He will single handedly foul most of the recovery and remaining evacuations by allowing the residents back in for a "peek" of there property.
Guess what? They ain't going to leave, not for a minute.
The influx of the Jeff Parish residents will have Orleans Parish residents hell bent on staying. It will be anarchy.
Real soon, the US Marines will be deployed to forcefully evacuate the Orleans Parish residents.
Just imagine the bedlam this will cause.
Aaron Broussard is the idiot. Trust me, he has lost it, and will lose all because of it.
chefws, the army isn't having any part of any forced evacuations. these people own property. they are citizens. the broussards of the world work for them, the army works for the citizens. not the other way around. long before we had a cop on every corner we had self-governing communities. with states assets and power for leverage it'll come together. try to calm down a little. it will work out. this isn't the end of the world. it's not even the end of new orleans.

- js.
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