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Old 26-08-05, 08:54 AM   #12
I took both pills.
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Taken from the same link/page that the knife posted.

Bush quoted Pruett: "'I know that if something happens to one of the boys, they would leave this world doing what they believe, what they think is right for our country. And I guess you couldn't ask for a better way of life than giving it for something that you believe in.'"
Wow, why don’t you promise them 70 virgins while you are at it.
I still remember how before the war George read a letter to the nation written by a pre teen girl who told him she understood that her daddy could be killed in Iraq but that she is willing to “give” her dad to George.
I mean come on, if a pre teen girl - imho the love of a pre teen girl for her dad is nothing short of unconditional - can understand such a thing, the line between terrorists and a minority within your country is getting thin.

She also has brought out pro-Bush counter protesters who are headed to Crawford this weekend in a tour they've labeled, "You don't speak for me, Cindy."
The Cindy story doesn’t get much coverage here so I have to be careful.
Did she ever claim that she was speaking for the entire nation? If she didn’t this is one hell of an empty one liner.

Talk about empty one liners
"The stakes in Iraq could not be higher," Bush said. "Despite the violence we see every day, we're achieving our strategic objectives in Iraq."
Uhm sorry dude but you achieved your strategic objectives the moment the U.S. army ran over the country and pulled Saddam out of some dirt hole. Stop beating a dead horse please!

Also, the Pentagon announced yesterday that it would send 1,500 additional troops to Iraq to provide added security ahead of two national votes, the Oct. 15 referendum on the proposed constitution and the December national elections.
Hey look Mazer, Iraq becomes a little more safe yet again just kidding that is hitting a dead horse too
Some people exist just to annoy me
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