Thread: Cindy Sheehan
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Old 16-08-05, 07:59 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by albed
The authoritative references define the US as a Republic as you've seen Jack. You, of course, can call it whatever you want, just as you've done in the past.

Seems you actually do know the proper term. Maybe you just forget it on occasion and need to make something up.

Be sure to bring up the subject in your next campaign so the ignorant trailer trash will know you're one of them and not one of those educated, booklearned, city folk.
you have learned a great lesson grasshopper: if jack says it must be true.

unlike you i’m not arguing for rigid definitions – i'm arguing against them. nowhere did i deny a republic. the country was founded by those whose idealized versions of political platforms borrowed heavily from the ancient greeks. 200 years later the differences are lost to many and we say, and yes the united states government says, we have a democracy. bush & co aren’t sending our fair girls and boys to die in iraq to install a republic, not in speeches i heard on any campaign trails, whether thru manicured fields of grecian palaces or rutted roads of rusting trailer parks. a distinction lost on you perhaps, since this is connecticut, and our mobiile homes are worth more than your mcmansions.

- js.
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