Thread: Cindy Sheehan
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Old 15-08-05, 09:34 AM   #37
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gee whiz, whose country is this? bush's, the press', the people's? if it's the people's then we need the cindy sheehans of this land, by the 1000's, by the 1,000,000's, to stand up and insist on accountability from thier elected representatives, if we ever hope to have a working democracy. i don't remember bush being forced to run for president or to take the oath of office. if citizens make him uncomfortable he should get over it - or resign, and let someone take over who appreciates what an amazing thing a peoples' democracy is supposed to be.

btw, i don't watch a lot of tv but i do watch a little each day and when i graze i see the usual crap still running like game shows, entertainment tonight, soap operas and the mindless morning "news" shows where slimey celebs slide from one channel to another plugging forgetable product. i'm not seeing wall to wall cindy tv by any means. i actually first learned about it here. if i hadn't seen knife's thread i would have only gotten a superficial taste on a shields/brooks debate last friday on the newshour, and they didn't spend a whole lot of time on it. this ain't no baby jessica fallen down the well. not by a long shot. now that was media circus.

- js.
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