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Old 07-08-05, 11:40 AM   #2
floydian slip
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I dont see it getting better until the U.S. Military complex leaves, I dont see them leaving before 2010 either, if at all. I see it as a China Russian Islamic proxy war at the expense of the Iraqi people draining America's(the coalition) money and military. I think there will be more bombings and explosions growing in intensity and sophistication. Its a no win situation. They will hate us for staying and hate us for leaving them hanging in the wind.

Can a country be given a democracy at the point of a gun? Or is it something the people need to do on their own. What if France invaded the colonies in 1750 and drove out the British... then they set up some military bases and told us were are free All the while patroling our strees for insurgents.
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