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Old 30-07-05, 07:59 AM   #22
JackSpratts's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Belle~
Hi Jack,

Something I heard on my local news that shocked the heck out of me.......2 people, locally, being sued for file sharing. What makes this significant is the population is around 50,000. Very small town, and 2 peeps get sued? It has stopped me in my tracks, I can tell ya.
it's not unusual to see clusters - even if it’s only 1 in 25,000 like in your town. it has to do with how they harvest ip numbers. it doesn't mean the undead of the xxaa is targeting your fair city. it does mean that care should be exercised during this period of instability where in spite of the first amendment the supreme court imperiously declares p2p manufacturers liable for the inconsequential digital results of users’ actions while at the same time congress moves to protect gun manufactures from liability from the very real physical destruction they help perpetrate each day.

alarms should go off whenever democratically elected lawmakers elevate property and corporations over the very people they swore to represent, and alarms must be going off all over the western world. it is an anxiety provoking time we live in belle. my suggestion? download some more stuff. it can help maintain the proper balance.

- js.
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