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Old 24-06-05, 04:03 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Drakonix
Only an attorney can give you legal advice.

Many persons sued by the Recording Industry Association of America in the U.S. were able to settle out-of-court for substantially lower sums than originally demanded.

Start reading up on this issue, a good place to start is
OK, so I suspect one of my minor kids might have downloaded a few songs.

I will confront her about it and educate her about what is legal and not.


I don't know P2P, and I want to say "live & learn, but here's what you should do going forward in case you (or I, as your parent) get sued."
Do I just tell her to stop downloading copyrighted material, or should I go further and make her delete old downloads? Anything else?

From the damage control perspective, I don't know that deleting the old downloads will help, assuming that money demands would be calculated based on the number of downloads, ... not how many times or how long you listen to each download.
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