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Old 21-06-05, 09:45 AM   #12
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oh. you want really serious. ok. in the u.s. to my knowledge no-one's beaten this. delay, delay, delay but they will all have to pay eventually. probably. you can and should expect a reduced settlement however, which for americans hovers around $3500.00 per occurrence. at this rate the companies hired by the riaa to process the suits are finding the goings quite profitable, so there doesn't seem to be any reason - financially - to stop suing the customers. 11,000 people sued x $3500 in "settlements" = $38,500,000.00 in potential grosses – so far. obviously we're looking at real money here. this works in your favo(u)r. the last thing they want are any interruptions to the cash flow, and that would happen quickly if people fought this outrage. in order that doesn't happen they have been "surprisingly flexible" in accepting lowered payments, if one defines flexible by comparing the difference they could theoretically win in a u.s. court ($150,000.00 per song) with what they willingly accept (apx $1.00). while the italians hit a roman club dj with a million $ plus fine i imagine most of that will evaporate before he has to pay (knowing the italians it wouldn't surprise me if all of it mysteriously evaporates lol). i’m thinking the bpi will do the same in the uk as the riaa does in the u.s.. why not? the law firms, like the record companies, are global in nature, and they crave making fast money as much as the next oligarch.

as for advice, i can only tell you what i would tell a friend: hire a lawyer (solicitor), instruct him/her to make the best deal possible - use the fact that they actually examined only 3 songs to your advantage - they can't know if the others are genuine songs or incompletes or misnamed files or what, and when you’re comfortable (as possible) with the figure, lay back and think of england. you’ve taken a bullet for the cause you wonderful martyr.

then vote the corrupt assholes out who pushed the laws upon you leading to this fix in the first place.

think of it as the cost of freedom. compared to wwii, which you guys handled pretty well, this is a kindergarten dust up: no bombs, no guns, no gas - just that irritating monthly statement; and maybe, just maybe, a whole new bunch of names to remember in parliament.

- js.
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