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Old 23-05-05, 02:30 PM   #4
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
Location: New England
Posts: 10,023

hello uriah and welcome to the p2p-zone!

as you can plainly see, fantom and headbanger are the straight-laced, law abiding members of napsterites so representative of these long-established forums. they would never consider re-recording copyrighted content without the express, written permission of the alleged rights holders, let alone re-transmitting it. forsooth. that’s why they’re members of napsterites - as opposed to some unregulated bastion of anarchic “do your own thingyness” like the eff. furthermore under such circumstances i’m convinced they don’t know the first thing about using p2p, and i'm prepared to say so in court if my expenses are properly covered. as such we’re glad to have them. be that as it may, there are some instances where the electronic reallocation of resources is not only necessary but also downright beneficial to the health of the republic. the fact that also it makes you irresistible to chicks is another matter entirely. it just so happens that a small group of hyperactive overachievers who operate out of a frontier cybertown known as sourceforge may have just the thing you’re looking for. as an added bonus their hard working little application - like those of others - may just destroy whatever free time you have left.


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