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Old 18-05-05, 01:00 PM   #9
My eyes are now open.
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Join Date: Jan 2004
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The US government say the building fell down.
I have seen video of news reports where officials talk of pulling the building.
Watch it come down what do you think?
Their are lots of unanswered questions that are not getting answered.
Why was Norad stood down that morning?
Where are the remains of the aircraft that hit the pentagon?
Why did a steel building fall like that?
When expert after expert says it's impossible to happen
in the time period,and with so little heat.
I would just like sensible explanations,it doesn't add up to me.
I told you all before I don't have an axe to grind.
I'm not some "conspiracy nut"
You can think so if you like.
But calling me names won't get rid of the questions.

Bertrand Russell is a very clever man and I understand what he's saying.
I have read a lot of his stuff.
But this is the thing,The quote can be used on both sides of the
Do you really believe your government?Or mine for that matter.
With it's track record.
Beer is for life not just Christmas
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