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Old 12-05-05, 02:23 PM   #12
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I don't recall saying I support terrorists,or for that matter not supporting them.
I don’t recall saying you did or did not……

We all have sins of the past,certainly the British government has plenty to answer for.
Sins of the past? Ireland is still under Occupation today.

As to being an"expert on terrorism"I don't think so,One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.
If you say so…..but who are the terrorist then? What have you found out through all your research?

I have no strong views on this 9/11 only that I have read and seen a lot of stuff that is hard to find answers too.I'm sure if you read the stuff you might think the same.
Maybe you don’t have strong views but it does seem you only talk about one side of the argument. Seems you take Alex Jones word as gospel.

Watergate not teach you anything.Or are you to young to know about it? Here you are, give me your explainations to some of this.If you chose not too, fine.We can all make of that what we wish.As I will.

a quote …..From Watergate we learned what generations before us have known; our Constitution works. And during Watergate years it was interpreted again so as to reaffirm that no one - absolutely no one - is above the law…..
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

Last edited by Sinner : 12-05-05 at 03:31 PM.
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