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Old 14-04-05, 08:27 AM   #327
JackSpratts's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bbtux
I am Use 1.5 beta 3 german with Wine@Ubuntu 5.04

I must use a older Version?

What is the Server ip?
to connect to this mesh you will need an earlier version - anything earlier than 1.5. the folks at sourceforge saw to it that their particular versions wouldn't work with the creator's version, which is the one we use, and sourceforge may be doing it again by cutting off their own v1.5 from further major upgrades. ultimately future versions of "waste" will be whatever individual developers want them to be and not what it is. that's already happened basically and there's no reason to think newly modified clients won't continue moving down different and disconnected branches. since this mesh uses the original app PM me when you get it going and i'll get you in here.

- js.
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