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Old 22-03-05, 12:11 PM   #4
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
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hi tacker,

you can always install a private lan-only WASTE profile on each machine and set your share parameters as if you were on an external waste mesh. you'll see speeds of 150-400KBS. if that's not fast enough use SOULSEEK, but make sure your shares are available only for hotlisted users, then cross-hotlist each pc on the network. you'll get double the speeds. it's really fast, like 5 secs per song.

doing this is quicker to set-up and possibly more secure than the normal windows-style network configurations but the real power is in the effortless transfers between different windows operating systems, like 98, ME, XP and so forth (fat 32 & ntfs). there just aren't any os conflicts this way.

- js.
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