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Old 19-03-05, 08:53 AM   #315
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
Location: New England
Posts: 10,023

you've been added td4guy and welcome to the forums.

as a sophisticated uni level waste power user you'll find zer©share a sleepy little part of the p2p community indeed. with no copyrighted material available (that public searches will find anyway), obsessive content miners stay an average two hours and are never heard from again, but that's fine. the mesh accomplishes two things: it publicizes waste in a positive way and it allows noobs their first experience with the program in a neutral atmosphere, with zer©chance of getting flushed by copyright mercenaries, either with writs or with trojans, neither of which are unimportant things.

regardless of open content or the lack thereof all of waste’s other functions will be familiar such as drag and drop file-sharing and the integrated social features like IM and user-run chatrooms, which it doesn’t hurt to remind people are decentralized and encrypted. for those reasons alone i’m often here 24/7 and find it a much more secure environment than icq, aim, msn and yahoo etc.

that waste is capable of more than just social functions, that it’s a rip-snorting instant-search p2p app (albeit one w/out multi-sourcing or swarming) is icing on this cake, but since i happily discovered this tiny, easy-to-use program is a better communication tool than all the corrupted commercial apps out there it's become indispensable. it's first to launch, last to close.

- js.
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