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Old 18-02-05, 09:55 AM   #1
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Default White House Linked To Gay Escort Service?

this Jeff Gannon story just gets juicier - he's the fake reporter the White House gave a press pass to, in order to seed the briefings with Bush-friendly questions...

With the mystery of "Jeff Gannon" deepening, Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., yesterday renewed her call for the White House to explain its relationship with a conservative ex-reporter linked to an online gay escort service., who in the White House might have come across a guy who runs a gay online escort service? and where? i mean, the Prez looks pretty straight and does that macho Texas thing, but maybe he's just compensating, no? true , Ari Fleischer was always a little effeminate, and certainly the chicken hawks like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz are promising candidates to be closet cases (i can hear Rumsfeld now: .."except for this one time at Camp David" )...

The White House has denied any special relationship with Gannon. But it has not provided an explanation of its policies on providing credentials to reporters, either the temporary "day" passes for reporters not normally assigned to the White House or the so-called permanent hard passes that White House beat reporters get.
since the guy has been attending White House press briefings under an assumed name, we can assume he does indeed have a "special relationship" - otherwise, how would he get in? but how "special"? and with whom? it boggles the mind
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