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Old 05-01-05, 12:41 AM   #2
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funny and absurdly so. however it's not a game pirate bay will win. the law firms love them all the more for it. every new letter they respond to generates about $2500.00 in billings. notice how warner's cleverly goads pirate bay into "ridiculing" the email. that will cause more legal action and create more $ in billings, ad infinitum. it's like dealing with trolls: you lose when you score points. if this nonsense is ever going to stop, legal action will need to be taken not against the media companies who pay the bills, but against the law firms directly, so their defense and their responses will come at their own expense, from the personal bottom lines of the cherished partners in the firm. unless it comes right out of their own hides expect torrents of bittorent cases. and why not? it’s how the pricks get rich.

- js.
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