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Old 20-11-04, 10:16 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by albed
International human rights laws are already in existance so Russia's veto wouldn't matter and it's the people committing the crimes that are prosecuted not a whole country. Slobodan Milosevic has found out about international laws, why haven't you?
Slobodan Milosevic picked the wrong people to fuck with. And Russia never gave much for human rights. Chechnia is only one example for that.

The truth can't contradict itself. You can claim lies are true but your credibility drops each time you go on record and soon you'll be ignored as just another slimeball.
There are two mistakes in your reasoning:
First, you seem to assume that you can identify any lie. You cannot. Most information you receive, can not be verified by yourself. If it appears likely enough, you will just believe it. And if you wait just long enough, most of the information won't even be physically verifiable. For all we know, the ancient cultures of Rome, Egypt or Greece may have been made up by someone else. Since that does not appear likely, we believe what historical documents and artifacts tell us about Rome, Egypt and Greece.
Second, you seem to believe that people prefer the truth over a good lie. They don't. Lies can often be much easier to understand and to accept as the truth. Why do you think people believe in God? Do we have any proof that he exists? No. Does it seem even likely that he exists, according to science? No. So - logically - God is most probably a lie. Yet so many people firmly believe that there is a God. They do so for many reasons but basically it is just convenient for them if there is a God, a form of higher justice, a legitimation for their own actions and a deeper meaning of life.
People choose a reality that appears likely they call it truth and call anyone who refuses it a liar.
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